Analogous to writing on paper in ink, the signatures and form field entries you make on a DocuSign document are not able to be edited later. 

The document can be voided if not yet complete, which requires the signature process to begin again from the start. Sometimes, however, an adjustment needs to be made after a document is partially through the signature process, and the reworking of sending it out again fresh is something we want to avoid.

Similar to the way that corrections could be made to a paper document with ink, if we want to make corrections to a DocuSign document we will "scratch out" and overwrite our changes on top of the document in its current state.

In order to perform this action you will need to have been the original document sender:

Click on the Correct option for the document, within your Manage tab of DocuSign documents that you have sent.

Then click Next, to actually edit the document (the first page is used to edit document recipients only).

Drag and drop a Text input onto the document where a correction needs to be made. Type the text you want to display, such as "Correction: this is the correct value". Ideally, position the word "Correction:" over the content which needs overwritten, if applicable.

If you do not want the next recipient to be able to edit what you typed into this correction text box, check the read-only option.

Click Correct to confirm your changes. The next person in signing order for the document should receive notification that the document has been corrected, they will see the latest version the next time they open it for signing. 

Please note: while this will stamp your corrections onto the completed pdf, you will not see the text on any previews of the document in its current state of progress. The next signer in signing order on the document will need to complete their actions before your corrections are stamped onto the file.