Adding Group Members:
Open the Admin tab for the group, and scroll down to the list of group members. Click the "Add Member" button.
Adding an LCSO Employee: (most common)
Input their LCSO ID# (name lookup will be completed via Active Directory).
If you are granting this employee the capability to modify the schedule for this on-call group, check the "Admin" box.
By default, the employee will be listed in the dropdown of members when adding to this group's on-call schedule (Available).
If you want to add a member as being an Admin only (can edit, but is never on-call), uncheck the Available box.
Adding a member who is not an LCSO employee:
We do maintain instances of on-call contacts for individuals that are not LCSO employees. In this case, toggle the "LCSO Employee" switch to off, and type the person's name in full. Adding this individual as an admin on the group is not possible for non-employees.
You will be able to add contact info/notes for this group member after adding them to the group (see below).
Group Member Roles:
On the Admin tab for a group, scroll down below the calendar for a list of group members and their roles. To add/remove a role from a member, check/uncheck the role(s) next to their name.
Available: They will show up in the list of group members who can be scheduled on this on-call calendar.
Admin: They will have access to all features of the Admin tab for this on-call group (adding to schedule, modifying notes, changing group members).
Removing a member: Uncheck both roles from this member. They will no longer appear as available for the group schedule or have admin access to the group.
For example (selection from Ag/Marine on-call group):
Member Contact Info/Notes:
Click on a group member's name to update information for this person.
Name: Can be edited manually, if the person prefers a title/nickname different than what is stored in our directory.
Note (optional): Used to add additional info regarding contact information.
Contact Info:
To add a contact method, click the blue "add phone" button, and define the type of contact info along with the phone number.
Work Cell will always be displayed in preference (listed first) compared to other alternate contact methods.
To remove a contact method, click the "subtract phone" button next to the phone number you want to remove.
Contact information and individual notes are synced for an person between different on-call groups that they may be a member of.
(It is not possible to have a different phone number listed for an individual on one on-call vs another, if they are listed on multiple schedules.)