Example of supervisor's view of a Shift Location menu:

To Allow Employees to assign themselves to shift locations:

Select Allow Self-Assignment under a shift location menu. This will allow employee's to pick "Assign Self" from the shift location menu. 

The "Assign Self" action only allows an employee to assign themselves to locations where this has been enabled, and only if the expected slots on that location have not yet been filled.

Supervisors retain the ability to "overstaff" a location above the designated slots, but employees can only effectively pick up shift vacancies.

It should also be noted that employees cannot unassign themselves from a shift. Regardless of whether they have been assigned to a shift location by a supervisor or they have assigned themselves to a location accepting self-assignment, only supervisors can remove the employee from the shift.

Example of employee's view of a shift location menu, when Self-Assignment is allowed:

Example of employee's view of a shift location menu, when Self-Assignment is denied: