If a usual signer for one of our document workflows is on vacation, or for any other reason needs to be rerouted from the norm, a registered SignNow sender can modify the recipients on documents that have originated from their SignNow account. To determine who the registered sender is for a document, reference the "{Employee's Name} sent you a document to review/sign" line in the email notification you were sent from SignNow.

The sender can log in to SignNow, locate the document, and click on the recipient's email address to perform various actions, such as sending a reminder via "Resend Invite" or to change the recipient select "Replace Recipient". 

The recipients will have one of 3 icons by their email address to indicate their status in the workflow:

  • Check mark: completed signature
  • Down Arrow: currently waiting on this signer
  • Pause: the document has not yet been routed to this signer, it is still waiting on someone else

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Viewing/Searching for Documents in SignNow