To add a new DR Report, click on the Green + button in the bottom right. 

Fill out the initial fields for the report:

After saving basic report information, you will get the following file uploads:

  1. Inmate Property
    • Click on the blue document icon to get a template for this file. 
    • Fill out the form in the web browser, then print it out for signatures.
    • Obtain the required signatures on the document, and scan this back to your computer (via scan to email).
    • Download the scanned file, and add it to the inmate property upload zone (either using the file explorer or drag-and-drop).
      Hint: You cannot drag-and-drop email attachments directly from the browser version of Outlook. You do need to download the file first.

  2. Spillman Report:
    • Complete the required incident report in Spillman.
    • Print this report to pdf. Do not print to paper and scan back in just to get a pdf of the report, as this is wasteful. Select the print to pdf option when printing, which lets you save the print as a pdf file.
    • Attach the pdf of the Spillman report (either using the file explorer or drag-and-drop).

Once all required items are included in the report, the reporting officer will sign and submit to a supervisor of their selection (dropdown). 
Note: the selected supervisor will receive an email with a direct link to this approval, but any CJO supervisor can complete the approval as substitution when needed.

After the supervisor signs their approval on the DR report, the following occurs:

  • If the Segregated flag is set to Yes, a Confinement record should be automatically created in the matching the details of this record. Please do not create duplicate records.
  • Starts a 24 hr requirement to complete the DR investigation (a reminder is sent to cjo supervisors after 12 hrs if not complete yet).