How to fill out a Field Interview Card / Trespassing Form
The field interview form is available on the Mobile Client of Spillman.
Launch the Spillman Mobile Client
Once the client opens, navigate to the field reports section on Mobile.
Choose the Field Interview Option
If you are missing the field interview option in your Mobile Client, follow these instructions.
Open your mobile client.
Right click on any Flex message center tab.
Select Customize.
Navigate to Actions w/in the Commands Tab
Drag and drop the Field Reports option into the above Flex Message Center Toolbar
When done successfully it will show a black divider indicating where the user wants to drop the Field Reports Tab.
You can now close the Customize window.
Additionally, you can access the Field Interview table by navigating to Screens, then Field Reporting, then Field Interview.
The Field interview form will open with the following tabs Interview, Persons, Vehicles & Comments. In the image below the field interview table has been highlighted in yellow to indicate necessary fields and or buttons to be used in the completion of a Field Interview.
Information Source – is a dropdown with two available options. Trespass & Field Contact
Choose either Trespass Warning or Field Contact
Agency - This field should autofill the officer agency entering the form. If it doesn’t make sure to add in the appropriate agency.
Date – This field should be autopopulated when the field interview form is opened.
Time - This field should be autopopulated when the field interview form is opened.
Officer - This field should be autopopulated when the field interview form is opened by the user/deputy, if it doesn’t make sure to add in your officer ID.
Related Incident – If the select button is used along the side of the Related Incident field it will show the case number the user/deputy most recently initiated (first unit assigned to the call). Only the first unit assigned to the call will be able to see the autopopulated case number in the Related Incident select field.
If the case number does not autopopulate, click the New Search button to find your recent case number. New Search will forward the user to the Law Search form in Mobile.
Additionally, within the New Search field, users can select More Advanced Search Options, then choose their ID from the Responding Officer Field.
After a search has been performed and a list of cases populates, double- click on a case number.
Return to the Field Interview form and reclick the select button next to related incident.
You should now see the case number in the select list, click the case number and it will be added into the Related Incident Field.
*Related incident will automatically involve the Field Interview w/ the Case Number Selected, ensure the case number is correct for the relevant call the user/officer is assigned.
Street Address – Enter the address as as related to a trespass or field interview.
Click the Validate button where and the system will check for the existing address.
Choose the option with the highest score.
Contact – Point of contact for the business or residence requesting the trespass
***This field is not to be used for the subject to be trespassed***
Vehicle – If applicable
Go to the Persons Tab
Click Add, a list of names will populate that the user has previously searched. If the name isn’t listed, proceed to the next step.
Click New Search, the Name Search table will open on mobile, enter the information for the name you are searching.
Mobile will present the user w/ a list of results, Local.Name is our local database, click on the underlined characters mentioning the matches that were found.
The page will forward to another page listing the results of the local Database.
Double click on the name of the subj that best matches your search.
Return to the Field Interview Form
Click Add again and the information from the recent search should be present.
Choose the Relationship for the individual to be added.
*** You do not need to add the contact name from the first page, once the document has been filled out successfully the contact will automatically be added to the person tab*
If the names file being added is the Trespassee please choose Offender as the Relationship Field option.
Relationship Field
If the names file being added to the Field interview is the subject being trespassed please make the relationship Offender so individuals added to the same FI Card can be distinguished from Contact.
Once you add the name file to be trespassed we need to add the Critical Notice Flag so the names file populates with a trespass flag.
Click edit on the name file being trespassed.
Navigate to the Notices Tab and fill in the Begin date, Notice Type (Choose Trespass Affidavit) for the trespass, & Entered by.
Lastly in the comments field enter the address the subject is being trespassed from to allow to dispatch to easily distinguish amongst different locations the subject might be trespassed from.
Then click Save
Go to Vehicle Tab
Add a vehicle if applicable.
Go to the Comments field
Within the comments field provide a property representative name if the contact field from the first page is not sufficient.
Lastly, click save at the bottom right of the screen. If everything is done correctly the field interview table will involve the case number, property point of contact & involve the name file of the subject to be trespassed and flag the name file w/ the trespass.
Additional Information
If you save the Field interview form without completing sufficient information for the system to create a Field Interview it will populate in the Draft Forms dropdown on the Messages tab in Message Center.
The field interview table can also be accessed by opening full Spillman and entering FLDINT into the command line, however it is an additional process to involve the subject being trespassed.
If you for whatever reason save the field interview without all information being completed, you can navigate to full spillman and access the field interview table this way.
If you choose to use Full Spillman’s Field Interview Table instead of the Mobile Field Interview, the following information must be included for every entry to abide by legal standards.
Case Number
Property Address
Property Representative Name
Go to the Comments field
Within the comments field provide a property representative name
Deputy ID#
The above two methods are the only approved means for entering trespass warnings into Spillman for LCSO generated trespass warnings. Additionally no Critical Notice generated for LCSO should exist without it’s accompanying Field Interview form.