This administrative action is limited to Digital Media staff to manage employee profile pictures.
Task: Update an employee's photo in the LCSO org chart and other connected systems.
- Log in to
- Search for the employee for which you are updating their profile photo. Click on the employee to navigate to them in the org chart.
You should see details about the employee to the right (on desktop).
If on a mobile device, click on their profile card to open the details view. This is possible on mobile, but likely not how you would be managing their photo under normal photography situations, where the new image file is on your computer. - Click on the edit button (pencil icon) next to their profile picture. Select the new profile image file it in the file explorer prompt that opens. You should see indication (a check mark) next to the profile picture that the autosave has been successful.
The employee's new photo is now visible in their org chart profile. In a short amount of time (up to 24 hours) this new photo should have propagated to other connected systems (ie. their email profile picture), but that sync is not immediate.