This KB article is to provide instruction on how to record inmate recreation activity so that it can be used for reporting. Reporting will be primarily used for auditing inmate recreation hours per week.

Recording the Inmate Recreation Activity:

  1. Within XJail, follow this path to enter the recreation activity: Inm Mgmt (tab) > Shift Log
  2. Create a log entry by clicking on "New" and then the following:
    1. Building: Detention Center
    2. Pod: Select current Pod
    3. Log Date/Time: Date/Time of Recreation - This is auto populated with current date/time but can be changed if event happened earlier.
    4. Activity: Recreation
    5. Action: Recreation Started / Recreation Finished / Recreation Refused
    6. Inmate: Select all inmates participating.
    7. Comments (Optional): If any specific notes need to be made, put them here.
    8. Save

**Entering logs in this manner will allow the Shift Log Report to provide the data need to show how much time each inmate is receiving. It is also to enter all refused recreation time for auditing purposes**

Reporting for Inmate Recreation:

  1. Within XJail, follow this path to enter the recreation activity: Reports > Inm Mgmt > Shift Log Report
  2. Select the options needed for the data you are looking for:
    1. Facility: Jail
    2. Building: Detention Center
    3. Pod: Select the Pod that you are needing to filter on
    4. Inmate #: Enter Inmate Number if wanting data on a specific inmate
    5. From Date/Time: Choose Date
    6. To Date/Time: Choose Date
    7. Activity: Recreation
    8. Run Report

3. Once the report runs, it will provide the data for that pod/inmate. It will be easy to see when the inmate went to and came back from recreation.

**Please note in the example that the Recreation Finished does not have an inmates assigned to it. This will impact inmate specific reporting. Each of the recreation log entries must have inmates associated with it**

Recording the recreation log entries in this way will allow to check if an inmate has received their three hours per week. Calculating the time between activity will provide this number.