Evolution (Blue check) Devices

This folder is for articles to help users with Evolution devices

Evolution (Bluecheck) Device User Guide
Application Overview: The Evolution device will be replacing the current blue check devices for road side fingerprinting. The evolution device is standalone...
Tue, Jun 28, 2022 12:05
How to sign in for the first time to MobileID on Evolution (Blue Check) devices
Task: Sign in to MobileID on the Evolution device Instructions: Log in to phone with the password Lake01 Hit 'MobileID' If a box appears ...
Tue, Jul 12, 2022 16:30
How to sign in to MobileID on Evolution (Blue check) devices
Task: Sign in to MobileID on the Evolution device Instructions: Log in to phone with the password Lake01 Hit 'MobileID' Enter your login ...
Mon, Jun 27, 2022 16:13
RapidID server is not available
Problem: Cannot sign in to MobileID on Evolution devices Symptoms: Error message stating, 'RapidID server is not available; please check connectivity....
Thu, Jul 14, 2022 11:07
Fingerprint scanner perpetually says initializing on Evolution (Blue check) device
Problem: When trying to use the fingerprint scanner on the device, it constantly says initializing. Symptoms: Device never stops saying initializing Pos...
Thu, Jul 14, 2022 11:06